Sunday, 23 September 2007

New building coming soon

We were told that our barn kit would arrive week commencing 24 September so fingers crossed that might be happening. If you want to see what it looks like, click on the link for our Builders of Our Heritage Barn.

Week 27: Starting to come together

Progress last week focused on finishing the outside painting and completing the joinery details ready for painting. You'll see from the outside shots that the base boards are now painted making the house look much more finished.

A front door at last (although the lock didn't work and is being replaced) is a much better welcome than the scabby piece of wood. The coloured glass looks fabulous with the sun shining in. The finer details of picture rails, fireplace, wardrobe doors are all now installed ready for the inside painting which is next week's priority (in fact for the next three weeks). Tiler finally arrives too to start the bathrooms and floor tiling.

It's all systems go for the next three weeks to get the painting complete so that the plumbing and electricians can do the final fix. All being well kitchen should be installed in Week 29.

It is finally starting to feel like it's coming together - now just the angst of soft furnishings to contend with!

Monday, 17 September 2007

Week26: finer detail

Progress seems to be picking up again with the finer points of detail going ahead now the gib-stopping and plastering is done. Outside there's the scrolls under the windows, indoors its the scotias and joinery that's being finished off. Painting to get underway this week - and the tiling too since the tiles are now on site and ready for installation.

Fancy scotias for the living and dining room

Less fancy scotias for the utility room (that's pantry to you kiwis)

Window in living room beautifully framed with the scotia

The bedroom window framing the view out the back - mist rolling down the hills. Hopefully the landscaper will change this view very soon as work gets under way quite soon.

Friday, 7 September 2007

Week 25: slow but steady progress

I'm trying to find out what the kiwi equivalent of what "inshallah" or "manana manana" is because I think it will come in handy to reconcile where we are at with the build. Perhaps our expecations are just running too high since it feels like progress is so slow.

But, progress is progress and I like to thinking optimistically. I'm fixed on the vision of a completion before end of October otherwise we're in deep trouble as the landlord starts howling.

Gib-stopping is the critical issue which has only progressed two days this week but we're assured that it will be complete by the end of next week. Then it's scotias (coving to us brits), painting and then the finishing touches - like electrics, plumbing, heating and kitchens.

This week the joiner, Peter, has been hard at work, installing the window seat and bookshelves. Great to see them in situ.

A room with a great seat, not to mention the view!

Gib-stopping in action (well almost, they'd just finished for the day when we arrived!)

Yes, there are shelves to go in!

A peek at the fireplace