Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Week 20: Still progressing nicely

Sorry about the break in photoblogging on house progress this will be resumed again in a week or so. The Moss Bros team continue to beaver away and I understand progress is good.

Plasterboarding (Gib Board to kiwis) has followed the insulation and now it's all the fine detail to start. Painter has been up painting the outside of the house - I know 'cos he rang to check the colours. I'm working on the internal decoration scheme now which I am sure will be needed very soon.

Good progress on the garden too. Jamie Reid has put together a fantastic plan for us which is now subject to a reality check of pricing! And, building consent has been applied for a shining red heritage barn.

So, despite no photos this week the work continues at a pace and the house build team are working towards the handover at the end of October 2007. A spring move!

Saturday, 14 July 2007

Week 19: Wrapped up and locked down

Progress in the last two weeks has been great in spite of the awful weather we've been having. We've not got doors, insulation, electric wiring, skylight (on the back), more fancy joinery on the front. Oh yes, mustn't forget the solar panels and plumbing!

Hmm, me thinks this is not the front door I ordered!

Week 18: no report

The house has been locked down and we've been locked out so no report this week. It was too cold and wet to just admire the view. Hopefully more news next week.

Sunday, 1 July 2007

Week 17: still exposed

It's been foul weather again in the last week which is still getting into the house through the door openings. Doors are arriving though (well two on the front) which make a big difference so pressure is on to get the house locked down and water tight.

At last the turrets have their roofs that brings another perspective to the symmetry of the house. Hopefully the bull nose veranda roofs will be on in the coming week which will also make a big difference.

Working on this site is not for the fainthearted!